About the AIR

About the AIR

The Atlas of Inflammation Resolution

Acute inflammation is a nonlinear Spatio-temporal process for the removal of invading pathogens and the repair of damaged tissues. If not resolved, it can lead to chronic inflammatory clinical phenotypes. The Atlas of Inflammation Resolution (AIR) provides a comprehensive resource, covering damage-, and pathogen-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs and PAMPs), relevant signaling events, protein-protein interactions, and gene regulatory mechanisms underlying acute inflammatory clinical phenotypes. More specifically, the AIR provides:

  • An interactive, searchable, scalable, web-based computational representation of acute inflammation and its resolution
  • An acute inflammation focused portal to databases such as DrugBank, chEMBL, UniProt, GenBank, and Pubmed.
  • Thousands of manually curated, directed and experimentally validated interactions, allowing for the identification of regulatory motifs, including feedback and feedforward loops.
  • A research tool for bioinformatics analyses related to inflammation and inflammation resolutions. Using established standards, like SBML and the Minerva platform, the AIR allows users to map experimental data onto the molecular interaction map and to develop mathematical models for further analysis.

The AIR is to provide an interactive platform connecting scientific and medical communities. Contributions to the development of the AIR are welcome.



The Atlas of Information Resolution (AIR) is maintained by the inflammation resolution community. It was initially created by the Dept of Systems Biology & Bioinformatics, the University of Rostock and the Center for Experimental Therapeutics and Reperfusion Injury, Harvard Medical School. The AIR is visualized using MINERVA, from the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB), and is hosted by the European research infrastructure ELIXIR. The initial version of the AIR has received support from Heel GmbH, Baden-Baden.