Matti Hoch

Academic background

2019 - present PhD Student at the SBI
2017 - 2019 Master's degree in Medical Biotechnology, University of Rostock
2014 - 2017 Bachelor's degree in Medical Biotechnology, University of Rostock


Selected publications

Cell-Type-Specific Gene Regulatory Networks of Pro-Inflammatory and Pro-Resolving Lipid Mediator Biosynthesis in the Immune System

Hoch M, Jannik R, Cesnulevicius K, Lescheid D, Schultz M, Wolkenhauer O, Valerio C, Gupta S

Network analyses reveal new insights into the effect of multicomponent Tr14 compared to single-component diclofenac in an acute inflammation model

Hoch M, Cesnulevicius K, Lescheid D, Schultz M, Wolkenhauer O, Gupta S

Network- and enrichment-based inference of phenotypes and targets from large-scale disease maps

Hoch M, Smita S, Cesnulevicius K, Lescheid D, Schultz M, Wolkenhauer O, Gupta S

The Atlas of Inflammation-Resolution (AIR)

Charles N. Serhan, Shailendra K. Gupta, ... , Olaf Wolkenhauer