Martin Scharm

Fighting for open knowledge, transparency, and free software. Working to improve reproducibility and reuse of research results. Looking for challenging data and complex systems.

Research interest

Management of Computational Models

In-silico simulation of biological systems has become a standard tool in the life sciences. Consequently, the number and complexity of computational models describing biological systems is increasing, which entails numerous organisational challenges.
I am developing tools and methods to improve the management of computational models, including:

  • Versioning, Comparison, and Merging of models
  • Data Integration and Tool Interoperability
  • Dissemination of Reproducible Research Results
  • Organisation and Representation of Knowledge

Mining, Analysing, and Presenting Complex Data

Data is supposed to be the oil of the 21st century. Collecting the data may be difficult, but integrating, processing, and understanding it is significantly harder.
I am ready to be challenged by convoluted data and enjoy for example:

  • Mining, Converting, and Massaging Data
  • Finding Patterns and Artifacts
  • Visualising and Presenting Complex Structures
  • Communicating facts, structures, and results to experts and the general public



2018 - present

PostDoc at the SBI

University of Rostock, Rostock/Germany

2016 - present

Head of IT at the SBI (infrastructure, acquisition, maintenance, innovation etc)

2012 -2018

PhD-Student at the SBI

University of Rostock, Rostock/Germany


Research Internship

University of Manchester, Manchester/UK


Science2020 intern

University of Oxford, Oxford/UK

2006 - 2012

Student of Bioinformatics
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg



  • Research (Reading, Thinking, Developing, Publishing, Collaborating)
  • Programming (C, Java, PHP, Python, Perl, Shell, Gnu R, etc)
  • Administration (Docker, Web, Databases, Monitoring, Logic)



since years Fellow of the Free Software Foundation Europr
since years Member of the Chaos Computer Club


Selected publications